San Antonio Protective Orders
What is a protective order?
If you have been a victim of violence, stalking or sexual abuse, you can apply for a court order to keep your abuser away from you. This order is called a Protective Order (“PO”). There are different kinds of PO’s for victims of domestic abuse, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking and human trafficking.
A PO orders an abuser:
- not to hurt, threaten, or harass you or your children, either directly or through another person;
- to stay away from you, your family, your home, workplace, and children’s day care or school;
- not to carry a gun, even with a license.
The judge can also:
- order the separation of your cell phone (and the cell phone used by a child in your custody) if your cell phone is under/connected to the abuser’s account,
- order payment of child support and medical support,
- set terms and conditions for visitation with the children,
- order the abuser to attend anger management classes,
- order drug testing,
- order the abuser to attend a substance abuse treatment program,
- order the offender out of the home (“kick out order”).
Why is a protective order important?
WELC believes protective orders are important because it can be that first step of perceived freedom that can lead to a domestic violence survivor feeling like they can make steps towards autonomy.
When the abuser feels like there might be real consequences to violating, things can change?
Can Women’s Empowerment Legal Center help you?
Call 1-866-965-3398 to see if you qualify for help obtaining a protective order.
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“Yes, I know it’s a piece of paper, but it means that maybe I have stability. It means maybe I can start over. It means MAYBE I have a chance. Before my protective order, I didn’t feel that way.”
-Domestic Abuser