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Official Launch of Women’s Empowerment Legal Center

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  • 2 min read

We launched this week. It was a little impromptu. I had planned on announcing workshops, having Facebook donations setup, and the like, but my Labdrador Retriever named Beulah decided that having 10 puppies was a much better idea. I’m also  presently preparing for a hearing for a domestic violence case that stayed with me after my previous employer. The final hearing is on June 1. We will be seeking restricted custody for the abuser in the situation.  This is a major deal, so some of the marketing plans for the Women’s Empowerment Legal Center sort of fell to the wayside.

In the coming weeks expect self-defense workshops, yoga workshops, and a few fun fundraisers from us.

Substantively, our plans are as follows: I will be taking up to 3- 5 protective orders in the month of June, regardless of what funding we have. If this means I’m doing five protective orders completely probono while we are setting up… then I am doing 5 protective orders.  I am passionate about starting the advocacy whether funded or not.

The initial funds will go to finding a CPA and a grant writer with social work experience. The CPA is so that we stay in compliance at all times. The full-time grant writer is so that we can maximize our funding so that we can scale, grow, and help as many as possible. In a perfect world, I’d love to be able to say we are doing 100+ protective orders a year for Bexar and surrounding counties.  If that is not attainable this year, it certainly is in our goal setting for next year.

I believe all good deeds are rooted in love and structured planning. With love and a plan, anything is possible.

Thank you for joining me on this experience.


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